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Jakarta, December 11, 2013 – The final series of S.Sudjojono (SSS) centennial celebration features a themed painting exhibition of “S. Sudjojono: Seni, Hidup, dan Peninggalan” (S.Sudjojono: Art, Life, and Legacy) will be showcased on December 12-22, 2013 in Gedung Pakarti Center, Jalan Tanah Abang III no.23-27, Central Jakarta. A book launching will also be held as part of the show called “Seabad S.Sudjojono” (A Century of Sudjojono), highlighting the best of Sudjojono’s works of art, the book also consists of reviews from various angles; historical angle, artistic angle (technical and aesthetic sides), and social angle from 13 chosen senior contributors who have researched and have an in-depth knowledge on Sudjojono. Among them are art curator and critics Jim Supangkat, and Agus Dermawan T. The exhibition is organized by S. Sudjojono Center (SSC), partnering with Galeri Canna, and collaborating with several art institutions, IKJ Postgraduate Program, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, One East Asia International Art Management, and Indonesian fine arts collectors. Apart from commemorating the centennial celebration of the Indonesian painter, Seabad S. Sudjojono is also held to honor Sudjojono’s role, contribution, and influence as one of the most crucial figures in Indonesia’s fine arts development.

The focus of this exhibition is 40 paintings, 50 sketches, personal photographs, certain documents (writings, personal letters, audio and video recordings, poems, illustration books, and many other), and also a collection of Sudjojono’s memorabilia from the painter’s own favorite pipe or cangklong to his paintings equipment. Most of the Sudjojono’s exhibited paintings that will mark their first ever appearance in public, the paintings come from all kind of sources, from public institutions, collectors, personal documents, to S. Sudjojono Center. Some of the exhibited paintings will be the highlight as they represent S. Sudjojono’s masterpieces from different periodes, for example the Maka Lahirlah Angkatan ’66, 1966 (Oil on canvas,  98.5 x 84 cm) painting which is a part of the fine arts and ceramic Museum’s collection. Rontok, 1978 (Oil on canvas, 85 x 60 cm). Gerak Baru, 1985 (Oil on canvas, 110 x 139 cm). Self Portrait (Teori Kita Benar), 1959 (Oil on canvas, 71 x 56 cm), The Ruins and the Piano, 1956 (Oil on canvas, 126 x 200 cm). Corak Seni Lukis Indonesia Baru, 1986 (Oil on canvas, 100 x 150 cm).

The theme “S. Sudjojono: Seni, Hidup, dan Peninggalan” is chosen by art curator Santy Saptari in order to emphasize the focus of the show itself, which is to celebrate the diversity of S. Sudjojono’s dimension as a human being where he plays a crucial role in Indonesia’s fine arts scene, so people could understand that the artist offers a multitude range of layers – as an artist himself, a critic, a thinker, a writer, a politician, an organiser, a teacher, and an individual – with all of his ups and downs – through his works, writings, and his personal possessions.

The long process behind Sudjojono’s proudest work of art, which is a masterpiece painting of Sultan Agung will have its own portion, “it will definitely make art enthusiasts in awe,” the curator Santy Saptari said.

After the succesful discussion event of Sosok, Karya, dan Pemikiran S.Sudjojono (works and ideas of S.Sudjojono) in the Faculty of Fine Arts at Institut Kesenian Jakarta (FSR-IKJ), which were attended by many students, Postgraduate Program, and IKJ lecturers, the focus will shift to children and teenagers, working together with FSR-IKJ and Wow Art Studio. The children and teenagers will participate in an Art Tour to get to know Sudjojono figure through his works of art and memorabilia that will be guided by S. Sudjojono Centennial Ambassadors, and they are selected teenagers who have studied Sudjojono figure. They will also participate in painting workshop of Drawing Sketches or Melukis Sketsa, Carricature or Karikatur, Mirror Painting or Lukisan Kaca, Screen Printing or Sablon, Comics or Komik, and Art Stencil or Stensil Art.

The students of Wow Art Studio will also organize an art demo of Mother and Child Sculpture: “Rose and Mariano”, for kids ages 6-12, and Painting on canvas with observational theme from Sudjojono’s works during the exhibition, for kids ages 5-6 years old, and an auction will be the final part of the event.

On December 14, 2013, collaborating with Kuntskring gallery, a Letters of S. Sudjojono program will be held. An intimate night to appreciate Sudjojono’s love letters and poems for friends and loved ones. Rose Pandanwangi, wife of the late S.Sudjojono will also share her stories through the letters.


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